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WEGO Medical, a subsidiary of Weigao Group, is a leading medical device manufacturer specializing in production and global trade.

Public Charity | Weigao Group Donates Hygiene Products to Infants and Toddlers in Need

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“Being able to reduce the financial burden on the relatives or guardians of infants and toddlers and allow more disadvantaged children to grow up healthy and happy is our unshirkable responsibility,” said Li Fuqiang, Party Committee member and Chairman of the Trade Union of Weigao Group, on June 14. He made this statement during the “Weigao – Baby Care Growth Plan” hygiene product donation event jointly organized by the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, the City Charity Federation, and Weigao Group. “The physical and mental health of every disadvantaged infant and toddler affects the happiness and stability of one or even several families. Providing them with help and care is a fundamental duty of a company.”


During the event, Li Fuqiang, along with leaders from the municipal and district civil affairs and charity departments, visited families with children in need in Huancui District, the High-tech Zone, and the Lingang District, delivering hygiene products. The donated infant hygiene products, including diapers and pull-up pants, totaled 580,000 pieces, with a total value of 1.2421 million RMB. These products were distributed to more than 2,100 infants and toddlers aged 0-3 years old across the city.


The “Weigao – Baby Care Growth Plan” targets infants and toddlers from disadvantaged families, including left-behind and distressed children with household registration in the city, aged 0-3 years old. The donation principle is to provide assistance to all eligible infants and toddlers. Earlier, the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau and the City Charity Federation, through civil affairs and charity departments in each district and town (street) village (community), identified infants and toddlers in need, ensuring that the donation process was open, transparent, fair, and just. This donation event further improved the quality of care services for children in need and conveyed the care and warmth of both the Party and the government as well as enterprises.

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